We are steadily improving habitat to recover healthy salmon populations. If this interests you, let's work on this challenge together:   

Evidence that we can re-build salmon habitat

Can you see Kendall Creek? Neither could we in 2002. 

After extensive habitat work we brought the creek back to life.  

This section of Kendall Creek is, once again, used by salmon! 

Kendall Creek flows into the North Fork of the Nooksack River near the town of Kendall, WA. An invasive grass called Reed Canary grass had a choke hold on the flow of water in the channel of Kendall Creek making it impassable to migrating fish. Thus, NSEA volunteers, crews and student groups removed the grass during several work parties which on its own requires a herculean effort. From there, we replanted the area with native plants, added habitat features like big logs and spawning gravel, and maintained the area for four years to ensure it had a strong foundation from which to flourish. Today, the section of creek above is well shaded and completely usable by spawning salmon.