Restoration projects at NSEA support thriving salmon populations in Whatcom County. Engaging landowners to remove barriers for migrating fish and increase habitat diversity is essential for the sustainability of healthy watersheds. NSEA enhances riparian areas through planting and monitoring restoration sites to provide clean, cold, and clear water, shade the streams, and limit erosion.
Do you have a stream in need?
Bringing Life to Streams
Removing Barriers to Migrating Fish
Since 1991, NSEA has removed 170 migratory barriers to fish by fixing broken culverts or replacing culverts with bridges (see below). This work has resulted in the opening of over 140 miles of upstream habitat for young fish and spawning adults.
No migration - fish stuck below the culvert
Freedom to migrate up and down restored!
The planting of native trees and shrubs along stream banks restores function in the riparian zone. This work improves salmon habitat by shading the stream (keeping water temperatures cool) and limiting erosion (keeping the water clear). NSEA crew members, community volunteers, and students have planted over 446,000 since 1991.
Even more, a well intact riparian zone:
Provides adequate habitat for salmon and other wildlife.
Contributes to consistent stream flows throughout the year.
Buffers against high flood flows and low summer flows.
Helps to filter pollutants.
In-stream salmon habitat improvement projects include adding massive root wads & whole tree trunks (aka Large Woody Debris - LWD), gravel, and other features to create crucial salmon rearing and spawning habitat. To date, NSEA has installed 2,233 LWD across Whatcom County.
NSEA connects resources and people together for the common good. Even small sections of improved streams, amid otherwise degraded habitat, can immediately provide an island of habitat for salmon.