NSEA Staff Team
If you still don’t know who you are looking for, give us a call, we will help you!
(360) 715-0283
For general inquiries, email NSEA at info@n-sea.org
Annitra Peck
Interim Executive Director
360.715.0283 | x105
Cell 360.303.9866
Cindy Scott
Operations Director
cscott@n-sea.org 360.715.0283 | x115
Cell 907.723.3245
Kate Underwood
Finance Director
360.715.0283 | x110
Cell 360.393.2324
Amy Johnson
Development Manager
ajohnson@n-sea.org 360.715.0283 | x103
Cell 360.922.4411
Kerry McManus
Grant Manager
360.715.0283 I x114
Eli DeWitt
Instream Project Manager
360.715.0283 | x112
Cell 360.393.5520
James van der Voort
Riparian Project Manager
360.715.0283 I x106
Cell 360.920.1862
Nathan Zabel
Education Program Manager
nzabel@n-sea.org 360.715.0283 x120
Sarah Brown
Stewardship Program Manager
sbrown@n-sea.org 360.715.0283 x109
Megan Adams
Outreach Coordinator
Restoration Technician
360.715.0283 I x102
Grace Maxa
Education Coordinator
360.715.0283 I x104
Harper Huntington
Education Coordinator
Avery Garritano
Stewardship Coordinator
360.715.0283 I x104
Devin Soliday
Restoration Technician
Will Ashford
Restoration Technician
Emily Towery
Restoration Technician
Tessa Perler
Restoration Technician
Jessica Rhodes
It is with great pleasure to introduce the 2024-2025 Washington Conservation Corps crew that NSEA shares with Whatcom County Public Works. Crew members serve outdoors — rain or shine — across Washington’s beautiful public lands while making a positive impact on the environment. Project examples include building and improving trails, removing invasive species, constructing livestock fencing, restoring in-stream habitat, removing marine debris, installing native plants, upgrading campgrounds, and more.
From left to right - Front row: Emmanuel, Renee, Madi, Liz (assistant supervisor )
Top row: Zoe, Oliver (supervisor)
Community program interns COMInG SOON
The Community Program Internship provides real-world experiences and professional development opportunities for the future leaders of the environmental and educational fields by supporting NSEA’s Students for Salmon and Stream Stewards programming. Midweek, CP Interns lead fourth graders through field trip stations to learn about water quality, macroinvertebrates, and native plants. Then, on Saturdays, interns lead volunteers at Community Work Parties to restore salmon habitat across Whatcom County.
From left to right: Amy Lauderbaugh, Reese Carroll, Ruby Selis, Eight Boudreau, Emily Dahlen, Emma Estep, Corrie Laird, Aubrey Pfalzgraf, Talulla Amsbry, Jacob O’Donnell.
Not pictured - Isabella McFrazier