Volunteer Opportunities — Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association

Skilled Volunteer Opportunities 

If interested, please send a general inquiry to info@n-sea.org  or to the manager in charge of the described opportunity and we will get right back to you. Thank you! 

Board of Directors Member

Join the NSEA Board, helping lead the organization throughout the year. Recruitment begins in the summer, with most board positions starting January 1st. This is a really fun way to stay involved with NSEA. Committees meet monthly for 2 hours, board meetings are once a month for two hours. Contact Cindy Scott, cscott@n-sea.org


NSEA has outreach and educational materials that we would like translated into Punjabi, Ukrainian, and Spanish.
If you are fluent in either of these languages and have an adequate understanding of the English language, let’s talk!
Contact Amy Johnson, ajohnson@n-sea.org