Stewardship at NSEA

Stewardship has several definitions: managing, regulating, and guiding are a few examples, but the one that resonates with us the most is caring for. At NSEA, this definition of stewardship manifests into acts of service. We care for the land and water around us by planting native trees and shrubs and removing invasive vegetation and litter. We care for all salmonid species by restoring the habitat they rely on. Outside of spawning season, it can be easy to forget that salmon are in our waterways throughout the year. And, unless you live near one of these locations, you may never see salmon or realize that your actions can directly impact them. The following programs provide opportunities to learn about and take action for salmon which are essential to our local culture, economy, and ecosystems.


Volunteer plants a tree along Tenmile Creek in Everson.

Stream Stewards Program

Take direct action towards salmon recovery by restoring habitat across Whatcom County.

Community members learn about salmon and macroinvertebrates along the Nooksack River.

Nooksack River Stewards Program

Looking to recreate in or around the Nooksack River? Information you should know before you go!

Families get a close up look at the chum salmon returning to spawn in Chuckanut Pocket Estuary.

Salmon Discovery Program

Want to see salmon? Learn about the five species, their lifecycle, and where to see them near you!