Discover the adventures of campers in Keystone Stories weekly newsletter
whatcom watersheds
We learned where the water goes when the snow melts on the mountains and discovered how water is important for salmon and for people.
terrific trees
We learned how trees give us many of the items we use, and help salmon be happier in the water.
things with wings
We found lots of birds; some flying over the field or hanging out by Commitment Creek and others hiding in the trees.
Earth Day Everyday
We had so much fun discovering the many ways we can take action in our own lives to help salmon and the Earth!
Underwater Adventure
We had so much fun exploring the watery world of salmon, Orcas, and the bugs that salmon eat!
Incredible Insects
We had so much fun going on bug hunts and discovering our six-legged friends, which are also food for salmon!
Habitats are Home
We had so much fun exploring the various habitats on our campus and on our field trip.