Join our Board of Directors!

Thank you for your interest in serving on the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA) Board of Directors.

NSEA’s Board is an exciting and engaged working board. Board members are required to participate in monthly board and committee meetings (except August and December), one annual board retreat and one annual community celebration.  Board members are encouraged to attend NSEA events and outreach activities which occur outside of regular monthly meetings as well as participate in fundraising which includes making an annual financial commitment at a level which is meaningful to you. Board members are expected to be timely and present at every meeting with a maximum of four absences from board meetings. Our organization commits to providing you with the information and tools necessary for you to stand as a vocal and visible ambassador for our work. Board members are expected to commit to the role for a minimum of three years.

Open board positions are generally filled in the fall, however, the Board Member Development Committee reviews interest forms as they are received.

Application process:

  1. Complete and submit the online form below.

  2. The application will be reviewed by our Board Member Development Committee (BMDC). If invited, the applicant will meet with our Executive Director and/or Board President

  3. The applicant will be invited to attend a board meeting as a guest. The BMDC Chair will follow up with a phone call to answer questions.

  4. A recommendation will be forwarded to the Executive Committee and the board will vote at the following board meeting.

  5. The applicant signs paperwork.

If you have questions, please email Cindy Scott at

Board of Directors Interest Form